Salvatore Piccolo Brandstory

Salvatore Piccolo’s history is woven, like the thread of a fabric, with the innermost soul of Naples, with its people, with it’s past, but also to its vitality and its desire to reinvent itself.
Way back in 1351, in the church of S. Eligio al Mercato, the Confraternita dei Sartori (Tailors Association) was established and, with it, the famous Neapolitan tailoring academy.
Salvatore’s mother, Maria Cavagnoli, was also proficient in this ancient and refined art and made bespoke shirts from home in the same district of Piazza Mercato.

At the age of fifteen Salvatore was already working for a shirt factory as a warehouseman. The following year Salvatore decided to open with his mother a little store of shirts to measure. Day after day, client-by-client, Salvatore learnt all about the intricate cutting techniques and design. In few years, the demand of shirts has grown and the little store has become a factory, so famous Neapolitan and international personalities have appreciated Salvatore and his works. But Salvatore’s want to take on new challenges is big so he starts to create jackets, ties and foulards and he proposes a refined and contemporary total-look for man.

Just like his beloved Naples, Salvatore is no longer a city but a universe. He experiments; he mixes inspiration, colours, and accents and flavours combing the English, American and Italian style with Neapolitan artisan skills and manages to successfully redefine a classic, without necessarily distorting or reinventing it.