About Saskia Diez


Firstly, can you tell me a little about yourself? How would you define what you do?
I am a designer. I create jewellery, mostly for my own label, Saskia Diez.


What is your definition of beauty? Where do you seek to find it, or how to you aim to create it?
Beauty has a lot to do with your attitude. It can be found everywhere. To create beauty, a kind of coherence is needed. A harmony. A reality. A concentration.

What does jewellery mean to you?
Jewellery is decoration, for sure. It can [take] an outfit into any direction. But it also can secure me, be my company. It is a means of expression. It shows that I care about myself, it makes me feel more beautiful. Jewellery is something very intimate. How does it lay on the skin and on the body? What does it do with you and how does it change when it moves, how do you feel with it?

Can you tell me about the production process? Where do you source materials or products?
We work together with a handful of goldsmiths in and around Munich, in Pforzheim and Werne. Everything is very local. We know everybody that is producing for us. And the gold and silver we use are mainly from recycled materials.

Who is the archetypal Saskia Diez woman? Do you keep a certain individual in mind when designing?
The typical Saskia Diez woman may be me. At least I always start with myself. I do not have a certain target woman in mind. Even if I do not wear everything that I create, I try everything on me, I take [myself] as a reference. But I think my pieces suit a lot of different women, and I think that these are proud, independent, loving, sensible, strong, [and] beautiful in various aspects.